Join the practice

The practice welcomes new patients. If you would like to join the practice please use our online service. If you are unable to register online, please visit the practice to collect a paper registration form.

join the practice


Practice Area

Registration is open to patents that live within our boundary. If you live outside our boundary and are struggling to register, please contact the The Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB) via their website or telephone 0800 052 6088 and they will be able to help.

Live within boundary area?

Do you live within our boundary? Check our map to find out


Confidentiality Statement

We provide a confidential service to all our patients, including under 16's. There are limited reasons why we might have to consider passing on confidential information without your permission, which would be to protect you or someone else from very serious harm. We will always try to discuss this with you first. If you have any worries about confidentiality please feel free to speak to the practice manager or a member of staff.


Named Accountable GP

Every patient on the practice list has been allocated a Named Accountable GP. To find out who your named accountable GP is or to change to another doctor, please contact us.


Registration Queries

If you have any queries regarding your registration, please submit a contact us form

  • If we have any problems or queries with your registration forms, we will contact you to discuss these. 
  • If you take repeat medication, this will not transfer from your previous practice to your new practice so please contact us on 01235 517760 to make an appointment to set up your repeat prescription. 

Armed Forces Veteran friendly accredited GP practice

We are proud to be an Armed Forces Veteran friendly accredited practice. 




Organ donation law in England has changed

What has changed?

Organ donation in England has moved to an 'opt out' system. 

This means that all adults in England will be considered to have agreed to be an organ donor when they die unless they have recorded a decision not to donate or are in one of the excluded groups.

You still have a choice whether or not you wish to become a donor. Get the facts about organ donation to help you decide.  For more information and to register your choice or to 'opt out' please visit The Organ Donation Website.


Blood donation

To register to become a blood donor please visit their website


Online Access 

Once you have registered with us you will be able to use the NHS app for online access.



The background

The software that the practice uses for your medical records is supplied by a company called EMIS. The NHS app enables you to update your details, order prescriptions, book appointments, and view aspects of your medical records. The NHS app is secure and your information on it is only accessible by you.