PPG meeting minutes December 2021

  • On Screen – Current committee members: Stewart Lilly SL (Chair), Flavia Leslie FL) (Vice Chair) , Dermot Paddon DP (Secretary), Lucy Wilson (GP practice liaison), Kathryn Hall (KH) – Practice Manager, Gaynor Thomas (GT), Wendy Price (WP), Barbara Capps (BC), Sam Buckley (SB) (Treasurer)
  • On screen – Potential new committee members: Trish Bartlett (TB), Mary Harrison (MH), Ian Paton (IP)
  1. Apologies: None
  2. Minutes and Matters arising: The minutes of the 14 June meeting were agreed without modifications.
  3. Potential New Committee Members: The Chair welcomed the prospective new members and invited them to say a few words about themselves and reasons for wishing to join the committee. [Secretary Note: this information is withheld from the publicly available version in accord with the provisions of the GDPR]
  4. All three candidates were unanimously co-opted onto the committee. The Secretary will circulate their emails to all committee. ACTION DP
  5. Communicating with PG members: This has been well known to the committee & had been a difficult issue. However, in discussion LW confirmed that the practice was content to use their text messaging system on behalf of the PG to contact those patients who had a PG “yes” marker on their records. Whilst texts by their nature had to be short, they could include links to relevant documents etc., within the Patient Group section of the website. The way forward was welcomed by all.
  6. AGM/EGM 2022: It followed that it was hoped that it would be possible to have a 2022 AGM though the timing would depend on the end of the various measures introduced as a consequence of COVID19.
  7. The Chair confirmed that he was standing down for the reasons already advised to members. Substantial discussion ensued. It was noted that in light of the two district councils continuing the new development, in Didcot and surrounding areas there was a need to continue to have expertise in planning and development, (that was an across the PCN’s three practices & not Woodlands specifically) FL agreed to take on the Chair for an interim period. All agreed. Discussions/Meetings would be held with the other two PG chairs with a view to continuing the 3 x PPG’s continuity/liaison. SL would continue as a committee member and monitor planning & local political issues.
  8. WP offered to fill the vice Chair role. This was also agreed.
  9. The Secretary advised he was standing down having filled the post for many years and reflecting his own personal circumstances. The view of the meeting was that IP had the right background and skills set to take on the role. IP said he would give it serious thought. BC offered to provide support if that would help. DP said he would actively support the handover. IP/BC/DP to arrange swift liaison between themselves
  10. SB said he would continue as Treasurer for the time being but that the next AGM might be the time to step down. All remaining committee members said they wished to continue in post. SL stated he would relieve SB whenever SB wished.
  11. LW said she had just been appointed Senior Partner (from that day) so would have to step down as PPG liaison The newly nominated PPG liaison partner would be decided quickly. The committee congratulated Lucy on her appointment. LW noted that the former senior partner, Katie Barber would be spending more time focusing on maternity and gynaecological matters.
  12. Woodlands current operational status, staffing & vaccination programmes: LW advised that staff morale was low. The hours had been long and intensive. (Several staff had also suffered bereavements.) The practice was struggling to retain staff. Levels of abuse and rudeness from patients towards staff had increased noticeably. SL referred to some organisations (inc. medical) where ‘phone queues occurred stated in their pre-recoded holding message that any person being rude or abusive would be immediately disconnected. KH noted. The numbers of patients still continue to increase. Pressure on available rooms was becoming more and more intense.
  13. The practice was recruiting new receptionists and HCAs. However, the training programme took time as did the building of practical experience and it was a concern that the continued pressures could lead to increased staff retention difficulties.
  14. The COVID vaccination programme run by the three Didcot practices in partnership had been completed. Woodlands with the other two Didcot practices was devoting its resources to seeking to clear the backlog of work that had built up, reflecting the guidance from NHS England. The main flu vaccination programme was close to completion. Pneumonia and shingles vaccinations had restarted.
  15. All Other Agenda Items: Time did not permit other topics. However, it was noted that the OCCG would be disbanded on 31 March 2022 as part of NHS restructuring. The new body from 1st April 2022 will be called THE INTEGRATED CARE SYSTEM (ICS), dealing with all aspects of local care.
  16. LW advised that the planned surgery at GWP would be a “satellite consulting building” to Woodlands main medical centre. More information will be made available in due course.
  17. Committee meetings: A decision on the date of the next meeting would be at the discretion of the new chair, in liaison with Practice Partner responsible.


13 December 2021