PPG meeting minutes February 2022

  • Present: Flavia Leslie (Chair), Dr Lucy Wilson (LW) (Practice Lead) , Stewart Lilly (SL), Dermot Paddon (DP), Wendy Price (WP), Trish Bartlett TB), Kathryn Hall (KH) (Practice Manager)
  • Apologies: Ian Paton (Secretary)
  • Technical difficulties with Zoom prevented the attendance of: Sam Buckley (Treasurer), Babs Capps (Assistant secretary), Mary Harrison and Gaynor Thomas
  1. Minutes and Matters arising: Minutes from the PPG meeting of 1 December 2021 were approved. However the version to go on to the practice website would exclude the personal information of the three new committee members (Action DP)
  2. Practice update: LW advised that additional doctors are starting in March and August. New receptionists are starting at regular intervals. They are the first on the front line in a demanding job and unfortunately, turnover is high. The practice has a full complement of healthcare assistants. Recruitment of further staff at the primary care network level, whilst very welcome, will place further pressure on space in the Centre. Unfortunately, this is likely to mean that hospital outpatient clinics held at the practice will need to move to a new location in the next 12 months. It was noted that the other Didcot practices had the same problems. All agreed it is a highly unsatisfactory position for the primary care services in Didcot. LW also said it was an option under consideration to expand the two weekly GP clinics held in Blewbury Village Hall. The three practices have completed their joint Covid vaccination booster clinics. The practice is continuing to give booster jabs to the immunocompromised (who get 4 vaccinations in total and to give vaccinations for at risk 5-11 year olds.
  3. Clinical Commissioning Group estates strategy: Didcot healthcare professionals and the three patient groups remain seriously concerned by the poor progress in planning and delivering the new healthcare facilities needed for the rapidly expanding population. Partly because of action by the three Didcot patient group chairs in office in 2021, the approved planning application for Valley Park included Section 106 funding for healthcare facilities. (Further details below.) The Valley Park site is now owned by the local council who also have £800,000 (index linked) in their accounts. Converting the two assets into a small medical centre is going too slowly.
  4. Constitution: This was written following guidelines from the National Patients Association (NHS England). Lay members of the PPG will review it to see if it needs updating.
  5. Newsletter for Patients: KH presented a draft newsletter which could be circulated to patients with some updates on key issues. She plans to circulate this via an MJOG text to the those patients who have indicated that they wish to be kept informed about PPG activities and have the relevant code added to their practice record. KH asked the PPG if they could recommend other avenues for circulating such updates such as Parish newsletters.
  6. Active Practice Charter: This is supported by the Royal College of GPs. Woodlands Practice was involved in Didcot Parkrun from the start and wants to promote the idea of more exercise in general for the patients. Thousands of lives would be saved and also a huge amount of NHS money if the British population were a great deal more physically active. Ideas are welcome from everyone about how to improve the fitness of the Didcot population. Some suggestions have included active transport (walking or bikes), standing desks and exercise bikes in waiting rooms, as well as suitable sports. The PPG needs to consult with patients to see what they would like to see put in place and to support.
  7. A.O.B. Nil.
  8. Date of Next Meeting: An AGM is planned for May 2022.

Post-meeting note. Principal planning officer Adrian Butler confirmed with SL. on 18 02 2022 that £3.261million had been allocated by developers, under Section 106, for off- site provision of healthcare facilities. Alternatively 0.25 ha. of land on the Valley Park site plus £2.841million for on- site health facilities.