Nurse Team

Heather Pinder 
Senior Practice Nurse

Kerry Dawson 
Practice Nurse

Hannah Ellis 
Practice Nurse

Tracy Green
Practice Nurse

Tanja Burovska
Diabetes Specialist Nurse

Our Practice (Registered) Nurses are an integral part of the clinical team at Woodlands. They provide routine clinics for baby immunisations, cervical screening, wound care & dressings. They also run a travel health service and a contraception service. Working in close partnership with the GPs, our Specialist Nurses are also able to offer a Minor Illness clinic, a Diabetes clinic and a Memory clinic.


Healthcare Assistants

Carla Davies 
Healthcare Assistant

Karla Moody 
Healthcare Assistant

Margaret Earl 

Debbie Booker 
Healthcare Assistant

Leanne Talbot 
Healthcare Assistant

Debbie Ballinger 
Healthcare Assistant

Our HCAs provide valuable support to the clinical team in delivering our busy phlebotomy service and they are qualified to give some injections, such as the Flu vaccination. They perform ECGs and conduct the NHS Health Checks. They also conduct our Annual Health Checks to assist the GP in monitoring of patients with long term conditions. Some of our HCAs have additional skills such as wound care & dressings, spirometry testing for COPD and Asthma, and assisting the GP in Minor Surgery or Contraceptive coil / implant fitting. HCAs can also act as a chaperone for intimate clinical examination if required.